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Michael Rothman MD Articles

Articles list

Edibolic Stress: The Book

Highlights The Big Fat Lie

This concept that a low fat, low cholesterol diet will lower heart disease risk is referred to as the “Lipid Hypothesis” by researchers. However, the “Lipid Hypothesis” is one big fatlie. This is still the paramount focus of our entire health care system and the advice on nutrition and health which our government propagates.

Preview Edibolic Stress – How the Lies You Are Being Fed Are Making You Sick!

Highlighted Blog Post: Is Saturated Fat Bad For You?

It’s amazing how the majority of doctors and nutritionists – even the Federal government – promote the concept that a low-fat, low-cholesterol diet will lower heart disease risk. This concept of removing fat in diet, to promote cardiac health known to researchers as the “Lipid Hypothesis” is actually one big fat lie.

Read entire blog post

Highlighted Service: Holistic Health Nutrition

Frustrated with all the diet tips out there? Looking for less stress? More energy? If you’re confused about what to do, or wondering what’s best for you, you can be certain of at least one thing. Proper, individualized holistic health nutrition can do wonders for your body and mind.

Learn more about our Nutritional Counseling Services

Highlighted Condition: Heart Disease

Heart disease kills far more people than any other illness – more than all forms of cancer combined. It’s easy to get caught up in the latest scientific findings about heart disease– the promising new drug, the life-saving surgery, the breakthrough research into the complex relationship between cholesterol and heart disease – but if you’re willing to dig a little deeper, you’ll discover heart disease prevention is most effective when you take a holistic approach.

Learn more about Heart Disease

Highlighted Video: The Power of Nutrition

Michael Rothman MD presents evidence that many mass produced foods are laden with ingredients that are unhealthy and over time, contribute to degenerative conditions.

Nutrition as the Foundation of Health

Nutriton as the Foundation of Health

12 Videos

Nutriton as the Foundation
Michael Rothman MD is board-certified in both Internal Medicine and Emergency Medicine. He has over 10 years of experience as a holistic doctor and over 20 years of Emergency Medicine and in which he finds the cause of your symptoms via his Metabolically Directed Functional Medicine approach. This public lecture on Health and Wellness Hosted by RWJ Rahway Fitness & Wellness Center reviews Dr. Weston Price’s research regarding an introduction of western diets (including processed foods) to primitive people around the world and the onset of deteriorating dental hygiene and chronic degenerative diseases.

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